Experienced healthcare executives specialized in navigating the accreditation process successfully. Skilled at successfully addressing clinical, cultural, and regulatory challenges. When urgent results are needed call MCAC. A Memorable Care affiliate.

You can expect a written evaluation delivered 5 business days after completion of the assessment. The evaluation will encompass a Board-level Report, an Executive Summary, and an Actionable Plan. The Board-level Report will present the findings in a high-level manner suitable for presentation to Corporate and Board stakeholders. The Executive Summary presents the key deliverables for each Executive highlighting those issues which are mission critical. An Actionable Plan includes a compilation of all findings and concerns to be delegated and disseminated to the individual department leaders with recommendations for the Quality Department. The Actionable Plan will be cross-referenced to the actual standard that has been violated. We pride ourselves on a
CLEAR, CONCISE, and COGENT delivery.